All services can be ordered and charged either in Brazil or in Europe. This can give your company savings up to 50%.
Quality Inspection / Selection
Quality inspections, selection of parts
Incoming and Outgoing Inspections
Controled Shipping Level 1 and 2
Incoming and Outgoing Inspections
Controled Shipping Level 1 and 2
Rework of parts
Rework of defective parts
Cleaning and Packaging of parts
Cleaning and Packaging of parts
Repair Service
Repair of defective serial parts, e.g. Motors, pumps etc.
Quality Management
Quality Planning, e.g. FMEA, DVP, PPAP, IMDS etc. Supplier development audits
Resident Engineering
Employment of a resident engineer to solve problems at your customers plant
Project Management
Employment of specialists for temporary projects
Representative Services
We can represent your company in Brazil to stay closed to your customers